Here are all the pages available on this site. The Conjugator consists of several parts. The main one contains all the verbs of French with the different variants such as the feminine or passive form. Then, you can find many grammar rules to explain each of the tenses of French. Finally, you will find exercises to practice conjugating.
- Home
- French conjugation
- Verb list
- French verb conjugation: être
- French verb conjugation: avoir
- French verb conjugation: pouvoir
- French verb conjugation: faire
- French verb conjugation: envoyer
- French verb conjugation: aller
- French verb conjugation: prendre
- French verb conjugation: devoir
- French verb conjugation: voir
- French verb conjugation: permettre
- French verb conjugation: vouloir
- French verb conjugation: mettre
- French verb conjugation: dire
- French verb conjugation: savoir
- French verb conjugation: partir
- French verb conjugation: appeler
- French verb conjugation: venir
- French verb conjugation: attendre
- French verb conjugation: aimer
- French verb conjugation: joindre
- Le Conjugueur
- Grammar rules
- About conjugators
- What is conjugation?
- Verb groups
- Verbs
- Status verb
- Pronominal verbs
- Transitive and intransitive verbs
- Defective verbs
- Impersonal verbs
- Auxiliaries and semi-auxiliaries
- Verb modes
- Active and passive forms
- Tenses
- Radical and ending
- Conjugation vocabulary
- Accents é and è
- Circumflex accent
- Trema and cedilla
- Dash with pronoun en, y and non
- Dash with imperative
- Dash with interrogative form
- Polite interrogative form (advanced)
- Phonetic
- Difference between à/a, et/est, se/ce, ...
- a / à
- son / sont
- se / ce
- et / est
- c'est / s'est
- on / ont
- on / on n'
- leur / leurs
- notre / nôtre
- ou / où
- roder / rôder
- qu'en / quand / quant
- sensé / censé
- avoir affaire / avoir à faire
- du / dû
- amande / amende
- ancre / encre
- autel / hôtel
- Some verb patterns
- General pattern for first group verb
- Verbs in -yer
- Verbs in -éer
- Verbs in -ger
- Verbs in -guer, -quer
- Verbs in -ier, -ouer, -uer
- Verbs in -cer
- Verbs in -eler and -eter
- Verbs in -e(.)er and -é(.)er
- General pattern for second group verbs
- Only one exception: haïr
- General pattern for third group verbs
- Verbs in -aître and -oître
- Verbs dire and faire
- Verbs vaincre and convaincre
- Verb rompre
- Verb asseoir
- Verb aller
- Verb pouvoir
- Verbs in -dre
- Verbs in -ire
- Some traps
- Asservir
- Avérer
- Bénir
- Convenir
- Dire
- Faire
- Ficher
- Hiberner and hiverner
- Inclure and exclure
- Maudire and derived verb from dire
- Obturer and obstruer
- Paraître
- Rebattre
- Recouvrer and retrouver
- Répartir and repartir
- Ressortir
- Savoir gré
- Tâcher and tacher
- Voir and voire
- Spelling of some verbs
- New spelling rules
- Agreement with subject
- Agreement with past participle
- Auxiliairy avoir and être
- Past participle followed by infinitive (advanced)
- Agreement with pronominal form (advanced)
- Pronoun on (advanced)
- 10 erreurs de conjugaison à ne plus faire
- Un cocktail des pires fautes à ne plus faire
- Indicative mode
- Indicative present - First group verbs - Second and third group verbs - Summary
- Present perfect
- Imperfect
- Pluperfect
- Simple past
- Past perfect
- Simple future - Training on future
- Past future
- Mode subjunctive
- Mode conditional
- Mode imperative
- Mode infinitive
- Mode participle
- Mode gerund
- Near future and near past
- Tense construction summary
- Use of indicative
- Indicative present
- Indicative imperfect and simple past
- Simple and past future
- Use of subjunctif
- Subjonctive imperfect (advanced)
- Use of conditional
- Use of imperative
- Imperative or infinitive
- Use of gerund
- Present participle and verbal adjective (advanced)
- Tense concordance
- Tense use table
- Le sujet
- Le complément d'objet direct (COD)
- Le complément d'objet indirect (COI)
- Le complément d'objet second (COS)
- Le complément circonstanciel
- Le complément d'agent
- L'attribut du sujet
- L'épithète
- Conjugation exercise
- Game
- Le forum
- Spelling
- Write numbers
- Spelling rules
- Punctuation
- Point
- Semi-colon
- Comma
- Colon
- Question mark
- Exclamation mark
- Suspension points
- Quotation mark
- Dash
- Capital letter
- Parenthesis
- Typoghraphy
- Noun gender
- m in front of m, b et p
- 1 or 2 s?
- Noun plural
- When is starting plural?
- Colors plural
- Composed word plural
- Week day plural
- The right preposition: à, au, chez
- Spelling misfriends between French and English
- Faux-amis en vidéo
- L'expression en mon for intérieur
- À l'attention de / À l'intention de
- Conjugation software
- This site
- Vidéos Youtube
- Contact