Spelling rules

Spelling - writing numbers

French spelling is very complex. There are so many different rules that it is difficult to write them all in this page. Nevertheless, in suggestions, you are asking for them. So, I decided to start by numbers. This is pratical if you need to fill a cheque.

. Rule to write numbers
. Numbers and Euro
. Most used numbers
. Your computer writes numbers
. Tips to write a number in Word


. Punctuation
. Noun gender
. m in front of m, b et p
. 1 or 2 s?
. The right preposition: à, au, chez
. Spelling misfriends between French and English


French plural is very difficult. Here are some rules to explain you how it works.

. Noun plural
. When is starting plural?
. Colors plural
. Composed word plural
. Week day plural