Homophones sensé / censé


"Sensé" simply means "that makes sense".

- La proposition est sensée.
- Organisez vos idées de manière sensée.


censé is an adjective that can be replaced by supposed or obligatory. This is the simplest way to identify it. If it can be replaced by supposed/obligated then it is indeed supposed.

- Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi
- Comment étais-je censé le savoir ?

It's common to confuse "censé". In fact, it is a remnant of the conjugation of an old, now unused verb that meant to believe/think. All that remains of it today is its past participle that has become orphaned.

  • Sensé signifie "qui a du sens"
  • Censé veut dire supposé / obligé
  • Il faut remplacer censé par supposé pour le retrouver.