Conjugation patterns
Verb aller 

Verb aller

Verb "Aller" (to go) has no equivalent in the French language. It is indeed completely irregular. Bad luck, you'll have to know it by heart because it's very common.

A third group verb

The first thing that strikes with this verb is that it is of the 3rd group even if its ending is -er. "Aller" is the only verb in the third group to have such an ending.

A verb with 3 radicals

The verb "aller" contains no less than three different radicals:

- radical va at indicative present
- radical ir at future and conditional
- radical all in all other forms.

These three different radicals are one of the main difficulties of the verb, but that's not all.

Être allé

Verb "aller" is conjugated exclusively with the auxiliary "être" in the compound times. It is used never with the "avoir" auxiliary.


Another interesting feature of the verb "aller" is its imperative. When using the adverbial pronoun y, an s appears at the end of the imperative of "va". This is written as vas-y, which is much simpler to pronounce.
Of course, this rule is only valid when the pronoun there refers to the verb "aller". As soon as it refers to another verb, the s disappears. : va y faire ton devoir.

S'en aller

Finally, the last rule that can be noticed is the use of the pronoun. The pronoun en appears after the reflexive pronoun. It is written as follows: je m'en vais.
Note that in the imperative, we write va-t'en with an apostrophe because it is in fact the elision of the reflexive pronoun "te".
For the other forms of the imperative, on the other hand, a hyphen is necessary: allons-nous-en and allez-vous-en. Finally, the use of language increasingly allows the form je me suis en allé instead of je m'en suis allé, which is much more formal.