Compound word plural
A compound word is a noun made up of two or three words: un bateau-mouche, une pomme de terre.
Generally speaking, in a compound word, only the adjective and the noun can take the plural form. The other elements (verb, adverb, preposition) remain invariable.
To form the plural of a compound word, one must identify the nature of each of its elements.
The verb, the adverb and the adverb are always invariable in a compound name. The adjective always agree.
des sèche-linge
des arcs-en-ciel
des basses-cours
Usually, the name agree but it may not agree depending on the meaning.
des lave-vaisselle : on lave la vaisselle
des tire-bouchons : on retire des bouchons
Compound words | Examples |
noun + noun | un chou-fleur des choux-fleurs |
adjective + noun | une longue-vue des longues-vues |
noun + preposition + nom | une pomme de terre des pommes de terre |
verbe + noun | un porte-bagages des porte-bagages un tire-bouchon des tire-bouchons un porte-parole des porte-paroles |
adverbe + noun | une avant-garde des avant-gardes |