Accents and conjugation

Accent rules

There is no accent on a voyel followed by a double letters or a x:

- s'efforcer, examiner...

Except in case of the accent is used to make the difference with another verb:

- que je crûsse (subjunctive imperfect of verb croître)

Verb with blank e

In from a syllab containing a blank e, we write è and not é: évènement (note: spelling événement is the most use) such as avènement, cèdera suc as lèvera, and so on.

a) prefix dé- and pré- (dégeler, prévenir, ...) ;
b) first é (échelon, édredon, élever, ...) ;
c) médecin and médecine.

For verbs finished by -eler and -eter, e from radical is changed in è when there is a blank e in its syllab: il détèle, il époussète ; il détèlera, ... Nouns in -ment are written as the verb.
Exceptions: appeler, jeter and derived verbs (including interpeller) double l or t in front of a syllab with a blank e: j'appelle, je jette, j'appellerai, etc.

Note: This is part of spelling change of 1990. Former spelling are still used.

Verbs with prefix "dé"

When a verb starts with prefix dé, it normally takes an accent: déranger...
Except in case where a link s appears. There are 2 s to have the sound s:

- dessécher, dessaisir, desservir, dessabler...

And we write dé when there is sound Z:

- désunir, déshabiller, désaccord, déshonneur...

Verbs to interrogative form

When verb is finishing by a e, an accent appears according to the new spelling rules for subjunctive: puissè-je, aimè-je...