Indivative present
Verbs from group 2 and 3

Verb of the 2nd group

Verbs in the second group in the present tense of the indicative are formed by taking the root and adding the endings -s, -s, -t, -ssons, -ssez and -ssent.

The only exception to the second group is the verb haïr (o hate) which keeps an umlaut in its plural conjugation: je hais, tu hais, il hait, nous haïssons, vous haïssez and ils haïssent.

Verbs of the 3rd group in -ir

Verbs in -ir of the 3rd group are conjugated as a verb of the 1st group: offrir, cueillir, découvrir, ouvrir...

tu ouvres
il ouvre
nous ouvrons
vous ouvrez
ils ouvrent
tu offres
il offre
nous offrons
vous offrez
ils offrent

Verbs in -dre

Verbs in -dre keep their d in their conjugation: je prends, il prend.
Except for the verbs in -indre and -soudre, which lose it: je résous, il craint.
Let's note:

je prends
tu prends
il prend
nous prenons
vous prenez
ils prennent
je crains
tu crains
il craint
nous craignons
vous craignez
ils craignent
je joins
tu joins
il joint
nous joignons
vous joignez
ils joignent

Verbs in -tre and en -pre

Verbs in -tre and -pre keep their t and p in their conjugation: je mets, je romps.
For the verbs in -tre, the plural forms double the t: nous battons.
For verbs in -dre, we get a strange form with it since the p and the t go together: il rompt.

je bats
tu bats
il bat
nous battons
vous battez
ils battent
je mets
tu mets
il met
nous mettons
vous mettez
ils mettent
je romps
tu romps
il rompt
nous rompons
vous rompez
ils rompent

Particular verbs

Vouloir, pouvoir et valoir

The particularity of the verbs will, power and value is to take an -x in their ending. This is the rare case where an x appears with tu. Otherwise you always have an s.

je veux
tu veux
il veut
nous voulons
vous voulez
ils veulent
je peux
tu peux
il peut
nous pouvons
vous pouvez
ils peuvent
je vaux
tu vaux
il vaut
nous valons
vous valez
ils valent

Verb aller

The verb to go is completely irregular in its conjugation and you have to know it by heart: je vais, tu vas, il va, nous allons, vous allez et ils vont.

Verbs dire and redire

The particularity of the verb to say is to make its form with you in "vous dites", also "vous redites".

The derivatives of "dire" (to say) as contradict or prohibit do not follow the model of "dire": vous contredisez and vous interdisez.

Verb vaincre

The particularity of the verb to overcome is to keep a c in its conjugation in the singular. In the plural, the c changes to -qu to keep the sound.

je vaincs
tu vaincs
il vainc
nous vainquons
vous vainquez
ils vainquent

Verb asseoir

The particularity of the verb "asseoir" (to sit) is that it has two forms of conjugation. It should be noted that since the 1990 spelling reform, it is possible to delete the e and write "assoir".

Form 1Form 2
tu assois
il assoit
nous assoyons
vous assoyez
ils assoient
tu assieds
il assied
nous asseyons
vous asseyez
ils asseyent

Verbes croire and croître

The verb "croire" (to believe) takes a y with us and you in its conjugation: nous croyons.
The difficulty with verb "croître" (to grow) is not to confuse it with verb "croire" (to believe) and to keep its circumflex accent in its conjugation.

je crois
tu crois
il croit
nous croyons
vous croyez
ils croient
je croîs
tu croîs
il croît
nous croissons
vous croissez
ils croissent
  • Verbs of the 2nd group have their endings in s, s, t, ssons, ssez, ssent.
  • Verbs of the 3rd group are strongly irregular but follow an ending in:
    • s, s, t, ons, ez, ent
    • e, es, e, ons, ez, ent
    • x, x, t, ons, ez, ent