Conjugation mode : Participle

Participle mode

The mode participle is impersonal that is to say that it is not preceded by the pronouns "je", "tu", "il", "nous", "vous" and "ils". The most common use of the participle is to be able to designate the verb as an adjective while keeping its verb properties.

On recherche quelqu'un connaissant l'informatique et familiarisé avec les langues.

We see clearly here that the verbs "connaître" and "familiariser" are used as adjectives while keeping their own complement. The participle thus allowed us to use both the verb in a form of adjective while keeping its meaning of verb.

Another more classic use of the past participle is simply to form all the compound tenses : il a aimé.

Tenses of participle

There are two tenses in this mode: present and past.

Simple tenses Compound tenses
The present participle ends in -ant. It has a verbal value in the sentence.
The past participle serves to form the compound tenses of verbs.